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Background and Borders

Both background and borders play a crucial role in styling and visually differentiating elements on a web page.


The background property in CSS is used to set the background effects for an element.

It's a shorthand property, meaning it can be used to set several background properties at once.


background-color: Sets the background color of an element.

div {
background-color: red;

background-image: Sets one or more background images for an element.

div {
background-image: url('path/to/image.jpg');

background-repeat: Sets if/how a background image will be repeated.

div {
background-repeat: no-repeat; /* Other values: repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y */

background-position: Sets the starting position of a background image.

div {
background-position: center center; /* Can use values like top, bottom, left, right, or percentages */

background-size: Specifies the size of the background images.

div {
background-size: cover; /* Other values: contain, 50% 50%, auto */

background-attachment: Determines whether the background image scrolls with the content or remains fixed.

div {
background-attachment: fixed; /* Other value: scroll */

background-clip: Determines the painting area of the background.

div {
background-clip: border-box; /* Other values: padding-box, content-box */

background-origin: Determines the positioning area of the background images.

div {
background-origin: padding-box; /* Other values: border-box, content-box */


You can combine multiple background properties into one using the shorthand:

div {
background: red url('path/to/image.jpg') no-repeat center center / cover;


The border property is used to set the borders around an element.


border-width: Sets the width of the borders.

div {
border-width: 2px;

border-style: Sets the style of the borders (e.g., solid).

div {
border-style: solid;

border-color: Sets the color of the borders.

div {
border-color: blue;

border-radius: Used to round the corners of an element.

div {
border-radius: 10px;

Individual Sides:

You can also target individual sides of an element:

div {
border-top: 2px solid blue;
border-right: 3px dashed red;
border-bottom: 4px dotted green;
border-left: 5px double purple;


The shorthand for setting borders is:

div {
border: 2px solid blue;