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This guide was designed for developers who have experiences of Web development. If you don't know what is Web development, please read the Web developer guide in MDN.

How to use this guides

The WebF is the blink like rendering engine designed for Web developers to run their web applications on top of flutter platform.

You might have many questions, such as whether a certain CSS/DOM API is available on WebF.

This guide will provide detailed information on the current capabilities of WebF in rendering web applications.

If you hope for more web capability support, please submit an issue to us.

Key concepts of Web development

HTML/CSS and JavaScript, the three crucial components of Web development, form the foundation of the entire web development process.

Web developers write code to generate these three components, which browser engines then render into web pages for deployment to their customers.

In addition to browser engine companies, there are several non-profile groups that maintaining a set of open standards to describe the technical details of HTML/CSS and JavaScript. These standards define the behavior of HTML/CSS and JavaScript and ensure their consistent functioning across different browsers, such as Chrome, Safari and Firefox.

These groups are:

  1. W3C: This group defines the CSS and other Web APIs in addition to of HTML and DOM specifications.
  2. WhatWG: This group defines the HTML and DOM and other Web API specifications.
  3. TC39: This group defines the features of the JavaScript language and its built-in APIs.

All the features provided by WebF strictly follow the above standards. These standards make it possible to deploy your web apps for both WebF and WebView, yielding the same results as expected.

Utilize Flutter to enhance your Web

WebF is built on top of the Flutter framework.

Not only does it provide a 100% consistent environment for both mobile and desktop platforms, but it also allows you to leverage the capabilities of Flutter to enhance your web apps.

Examples include embedding a natively-implemented video player to play videos with customized encoding, or gaining access to I/O with file or network and spawning new processes with the Dart SDK.

WebF facilitates communication with Dart in JS and support embedding any Flutter widgets as a custom HTML element, which can then be added to your web apps.

Design Goals of WebF

WebF provides a comprehensive solution for web developers, allowing them to leverage their existing skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build cross-platform applications for both mobile and desktop devices.

This distinguishes it from other cross-platform solutions such as React-Native or Weex. These platforms indeed offer JavaScript support, but they also require developers to use platform-specific APIs and development tools, which can add complexity and learning overhead, particularly when you need to support both mobile/desktop and web browsers.

The HTML/CSS and JavaScript support from WebF strictly adhere to the specifications defined by the W3C, WhatWG, and TC39 groups. This ensures that web apps running on WebF are fully compatible with web browsers without requiring any modifications or conditional ("if-else") statements.

The ultimate goal of WebF is to build a bridge between web development and Flutter/client-side development. Each side has its own advantages and disadvantages, and WebF aims to combine the strengths of both.

The limits of WebF

Although WebF supports standard HTML/CSS and JavaScript for development, it doesn't mean you can use any feature from Web standards to develop WebF apps. Achieving full compliance is the ultimate goal of the WebF project, but there's still much more work to do.

In its current stages, WebF can offer a subset of Web standards support, which is sufficient for developing attractive web apps. Please keep in mind whether a certain CSS or DOM API is supported in WebF when developing WebF apps.